Life | Xiaobao Growth Diary EP.45-Cute and charming presence

 A cute and charming antagonist, a presence that evokes both love and hatred. It knows when to be cute, when to be destructive, and when to be mischievous, never hindering any task. Proficient in various skills, it excels in eating, drinking, resting, and even bathroom activities. Its mastery is unparalleled, and if not skilled in something, it simply means it hasn't been given enough time – given sufficient time, it can fulfill any desire.

You can only pamper it, fearing for its well-being. Instead of following you around, you find yourself serving and attending to its needs. Despite being such a character, countless people vie for its attention, clamoring to take it out for a good time. It seems exaggerated and unreasonable, but can you resist it? The moment it sees someone, it revolves around them, pouncing here and rubbing against there, licking and tempting, making you unable to resist its charm!

Once a wild and unruly little treasure, it has now matured a bit with age. The increase in years has tamed its past mischief, and it is now somewhat controllable, not defying your every command. Long absences make you miss it even more, and you can still recall when it was just 2-3 months old – time has passed in the blink of an eye. It has grown up to be cute, handsome, and able to bring joy to everyone around!


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