Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Please include more if your photography skills are not good. The real beauty of Niagara Falls cannot be recorded with a camera. But feel it with your heart, haha! In fact, the technology was very poor back then, and the shooting was done in a hurry. But that doesn't prevent me from recommending and liking Niagara Falls. Especially if you have the opportunity, you must admire Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. The feeling is completely different from the American side. Personally, I think it is better from the Canadian side.

The spectacle and majesty is truly breathtaking. This kind of scenery can only be seen in the geographical location of the vast land and abundant resources. I also sighed more about the power of nature, how this kind of landscape can be born. Humans cannot do or even compete with it. The rainbow is even more of a stroke of genius. When I took the picture of the rainbow, I felt indescribably excited and excited.

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

After taking a sightseeing boat to get close to the waterfall, watching those sightseeing boats approaching the waterfall from above, there is a more upstream atmosphere. Whether on the shore or on the boat, everyone exclaimed.

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

Eastern Canada Road Trip | Niagara Falls, Canada, attractions that won't disappoint

The parking lot next to Niagara Falls is really expensive. Either just close your eyes and stop, or stop farther away and walk over! If you have enough time, you can stay here for two days and one night, and the Niagara Falls at night will be accompanied by lighting effects. There will be a different scenery and atmosphere from the daytime, and it is a pity that I didn't see the night scenery later. But at least there will be no regrets if you go there. It is a scenic spot worth visiting once in a lifetime. Even many people will go many times without getting bored.


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