Vitamin K is important! How to supplement intake?

Vitamin K is a very important nutrient that plays a role in blood clotting and bone health. It also helps the liver break down cholesterol. There are three types of vitamin K: vitamin K1 (also called phylloquinone), vitamin K2 (also called menaquinone), and vitamin K3 (also called menadione). Vitamin K1 is obtained from plants and is found mainly in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and broccoli. Vitamin K2 is produced by the bacteria in the intestine and can also be obtained from foods such as liver, egg yolks, and dairy products. Vitamin K3 is synthetic and is mainly used to treat tuberculosis that is resistant to drugs.

Vitamin K deficiency is rare, but some people may be deficient in vitamin K due to certain medications (such as anticoagulants) or other factors. Vitamin K deficiency can cause bleeding and osteoporosis. If you have a tendency to bleed or have osteoporosis, it is recommended that you discuss with your doctor whether you need to supplement with vitamin K.

The recommended daily intake of vitamin K varies depending on your age, gender, and life stage. The following are the recommended daily intake of vitamin K for adults:

Men: 120 micrograms/day

Women: 90 micrograms/day

Pregnant or lactating women may have higher vitamin K requirements. It is best to discuss your specific needs with your healthcare provider.

Vitamin K is found in a variety of foods, including green leafy vegetables, liver, and dairy products. It is also available in supplement form. It is generally recommended to get your nutrients from a varied and balanced diet rather than relying on supplements. However, if you are at risk of vitamin K deficiency or have been advised by your healthcare provider to take supplements, it is important to follow their recommendations. Overdosing on vitamin K can cause problems with blood clotting.


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