United States|Washington DC Attractions|The Pentagon - You can see it from a distance, don't get close!

United States|Washington DC Attractions|The Pentagon - You can see it from a distance, don't get close!

Are you curious about the US Pentagon? I'm sure most of you are curious. Wondering what it looks like inside. It should be one of the most secret state departments that cannot be disclosed. Although everyone knows it is the seat of the US Department of Defense. But in fact, it is also understood from the outside. In particular, its architectural design is particularly attractive. Few buildings are designed to be pentagonal.

This photo should be the closest I've ever gotten to the Pentagon on the entire trip. In fact, when you take a cruise on the Potomac River, you will also be introduced to the Pentagon. But it can also be seen from far away. My tour group left Washington DC just past the Pentagon on the last day. This is also the only closest moment, and the tour guide immediately informs all members of the group in the car. Remind everyone to pass by the Pentagon, and it is also the last glimpse of it.

Everyone quickly took out their cameras and took pictures with their phones. Even if you can't get close and visit it. You can also leave a memory. Tell people I've seen the real Pentagon~ How cool!


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