Review|Xinyi District, Taipei City|Ancient Taste Traditional Douhua - Songguang lvdi

Review|Xinyi District, Taipei City|Ancient Taste Traditional Douhua - Songguang lvdi

It is a tofu flower shop without a signboard. But its location can be found on Google Maps. I doubt if the name was chosen by the store itself or by the customer? If you don’t live nearby or pass by and look carefully, you will definitely not find such a bean curd shop here. It looks like an ordinary house. It is such a low-key bean curd dessert shop.

Review|Xinyi District, Taipei City|Ancient Taste Traditional Douhua - Songguang lvdi

The bean curd has a slightly burnt aroma, and the sugar water is not very sweet. Mung beans and peanuts are cooked quite densely. It won't be greasy to eat! This is quite comfortable, in fact, is it very special? No, it's just a simple bowl of bean curd. But maybe it is this ordinary taste that sometimes makes people feel extraordinary.

Ancient Taste Traditional Douhua - Songguang lvdi

Address: No. 10, Lane 465, Songshan Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 110


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