【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

Every year on the second day of the lunar new year, I accompany my mother to visit my grandmother's house and also see my aunt, uncle, and their children whom we only see once a year. It has become a tradition and a fixed itinerary. Among the things we do during this visit, there is always one thing that never changes - the various snacks from Chui Kun. It seems to have been a constant presence for so many years. Despite having eaten it for so many years, I have never actually been to Chui Kun's store, nor have I even visited their website. Hahaha~ Chui Kun is also a famous product from Miaoli, and many people flock there to purchase it. I guess I'm not a true Hakka person! (Luckily, I don't tell anyone normally.)

Chui Kun has several product lines, such as the meat floss, pork (dried) series, fish products series, leisure food series, and biscuit series. However, the most commonly bought product is the meat jerky, which comes in several flavors, such as black pepper, satay, original, and lemon. These all have their own unique characteristics, so it's purely a matter of personal taste.

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

The original flavor meat jerky is very enjoyable to eat, and you just can't stop with one bite after another. The seasoning is perfectly balanced between salty and sweet!

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

The sliced codfish with basil flavor is not a taste that I am particularly used to. Although I love eating basil and also enjoy this type of fish product, the combination was a bit hard to adapt to. However, others seem to find it delicious.

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

The original flavor almond meat jerky is the type that was once popular as a thin slice. However, I still prefer the thick slice that provides a satisfying bite. The dense texture gives a richer and satisfying experience.

【Chuei-kun Food】Must buy! Miaoli Yuanli Famous Product | The most popular souvenir recommendation!

The sunflower seeds are plump and full, and the taste of the red tea is not very strong, but rather subtle. It's suitable for pairing with some tea drinks.

Whether you buy it for yourself or as a gift, you can choose from a variety of series that are suitable for you at Chuikuan. If you can't go to the physical store, it's okay, you can also purchase online.


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