Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

 Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

It has been about a year since my last visit to Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant. This time, it's a gathering for the elders, with my dad meeting his former colleagues. So why am I present in this occasion? There are two reasons. One of the intended attendees couldn't make it at the last minute. The other reason is that everyone present happens to know me. So, it wouldn't feel awkward for me to join and enjoy the food and drinks without any reservations. Everything just falls into place quite nicely, haha.

They chose a restaurant mainly serving Chinese cuisine, with the option to share dishes. The benefit of this approach is that we get to try a variety of dishes and each person can have their preferred choices. In the end, everyone is happy to share the bill. This way, it's great value for money since a set menu can be quite expensive nowadays, and some people may also want to try out dishes from others.

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

A few days in advance when we made the reservation, we also pre-ordered the Sour Cabbage and Pork Hot Pot. The ingredients in it are quite abundant, including common ones like frozen tofu, sliced meat, shrimp, meatballs, dumplings, and more. However, they also added large bones to enhance the flavor of the broth. It was quite funny because we initially forgot to add the large bones and had to ask them to bring it separately to add it later. The broth, as always, can be endlessly replenished, but it's a bit of a pity that the sour cabbage wasn't as tangy.

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Dong Bei Da La Pi is a cold dish. Although cold noodles can also be a main course, this one is a cold appetizer!

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Smoked pig's trotters are really perfect to enjoy with a drink.

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Stir-fried shredded pork with tofu is decently average.

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

"Juehua chicken" (beggar's chicken), I kind of forgot if we pre-ordered it or not. It tasted good, with tender and juicy meat.

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

Revisit Food Notes|Songshan, Taipei|Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant|Sauerkraut white meat pot

I forgot there were boiled dumplings; we finished eating them before I could take a photo. We initially wanted to order sour cabbage and pork dumplings as well as mixed seafood dumplings. However, the server kept saying they had them, then they didn't, and when the dumplings were actually served, they said only cabbage dumplings were available. The server finally mentioned that the other flavors were sold out, which was quite confusing. Ah, it turns out the boss said they had some left. It's a bit exaggerated that even the boss didn't know if they had them or not.

Dong Bei Zhen Bu Tong Restaurant


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