Li Ji Baishatun Meat Pie | A Century-Old Local Delight, a Must-Buy Souvenir from Baishatun!

 Li Ji Baishatun Meat Pie | A Century-Old Local Delight, a Must-Buy Souvenir from Baishatun!

Every time I visit the Gongtian Temple in Baishatun, I always buy Li Ji's Green Bean Pastries. (Actually, it's only my second time here, haha!) The shop has moved from its previous location, not too far away. It's still one shop, but they've expanded it, so now it has a front and back entrance. Both sides are always crowded, so it depends on which alley you choose.

When we passed by, we hesitated a bit because my parents don't usually eat these kinds of pastries. But deep down, we were kind of tempted, and I kindly encouraged them to go ahead and get some! They've tried it before and thought it was good, but they were concerned about the high calories. We all agreed that it's best not to indulge in this type of food too often. It's been two years since our last visit, so having it once won't hurt.

Li Ji Baishatun Meat Pie | A Century-Old Local Delight, a Must-Buy Souvenir from Baishatun!

Li Ji Baishatun Meat Pie | A Century-Old Local Delight, a Must-Buy Souvenir from Baishatun!

These are freshly baked green bean pastries. I bought both the original and curry flavors. My parents prefer the original flavor as the curry one has a stronger taste. They grumble a bit, and then they put them in their mouths and enjoy them. Eating them right out of the oven is so satisfying. The filling isn't overly sweet and has a nice consistency, while the pastry is crispy and tends to crumble easily. It makes you want to keep taking one bite after another, and then you regret eating so many. Whether you have them hot or cold, they don't feel heavy on the palate! They really suit our taste.




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