Gum Wall in Seattle: A Sight You Must See with Your Own Eyes

 Gum Wall in Seattle: A Sight You Must See with Your Own Eyes

The Gum Wall in Seattle (Market Theater Gum Wall) is a brick wall located within Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle, covered with a myriad of chewing gums, resembling the famous Gum Alley in California. This wall stretches 50 feet in length and rises 15 feet in height, serving as a part of the ticket booth for the Market Theater.

For travelers visiting Pike Place Market, it's an attraction that no one would want to miss, unless someone has a strong aversion to unhygienic sights. To be honest, just by looking at online descriptions and pictures, it seems fascinating – a wall completely covered in chewing gum, displaying a spectacular array of colors and various brands and flavors. Many spots on the wall make you wonder how people managed to stick gums there, even in seemingly inaccessible heights. Their creativity in adhering gums to those locations is truly noteworthy!

In 2015, the entire wall underwent a thorough cleaning for maintenance purposes. However, this cleaning process caused some erosion and damage to the brick structure. The ongoing concern for the structural integrity of the wall necessitates periodic maintenance. Interestingly, news reports mention that immediately after the cleaning, people started sticking gums to the wall again. It seems there's just no escaping the fate of being a gum-covered wall!

Gum Wall in Seattle: A Sight You Must See with Your Own Eyes

Gum Wall in Seattle: A Sight You Must See with Your Own Eyes

It's actually sufficient to see it once; the hygiene and safety risks associated with this gum wall are quite high. Moreover, I recall the smell in that alley not being very pleasant. Just think about all the chewed gums stuck to the wall by so many people. It brings with it a multitude of bacteria and viruses, not to mention the corrosive nature of saliva. If you want to take photos, it's best to maintain a certain distance and not get too close for pictures. It's a place to visit briefly rather than linger and enjoy. A quick in-and-out spot on the itinerary.

The Gum Wall


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