Tong You Shi Jie | A Scenic Restaurant with a View of Miaoli Nightscapes


Every year, I visit my grandfather's house in Miaoli several times, but I often find myself lacking fresh places to explore. My dad always asks where we should go, insisting on something new and not repetitive. In my mind, I wonder why he doesn't know any places to go since this is his territory. Even relatives living long-term in Gongguan, Miaoli, can't suggest any new attractions.

Until one day, I came across an online article introducing a spot in Gongguan, Miaoli, where you can enjoy night views. I realized it wasn't far from my grandfather's house. I started questioning life, wondering why no one had recommended or mentioned "Tong You Shi Jie" for years. It's quite baffling, haha! I immediately called my aunt living in Gongguan, Miaoli, and she casually mentioned having been there when it first opened. I asked her why she never mentioned "Tong You Shi Jie," and she explained that initially, there wasn't much there – limited food options, mainly drinks, but the scenery was okay. However, it didn't leave a special memory for her, so it didn't stand out as a noteworthy place. That's why she almost forgot about "Tong You Shi Jie.

The operating hours of Tong You Shi Jie are relatively late, starting after 5 PM. Due to our inconvenient schedule, we visited just to check it out, thinking we might return when we have more time. We explored during the day primarily because of the uphill road. The mountainous road becomes somewhat risky at night, lacking streetlights and featuring numerous slopes and curves, posing a considerable burden and stress for those unfamiliar with the route. Driving at night requires extreme caution, which is why many people emphasize this aspect.

We don't recommend going up the mountain too late. It's best to ascend while there's still daylight, allowing you to assess the condition of the mountain road. This way, when descending, you'll have a better understanding and more confidence. The distant scenery from the top is indeed impressive, with an unobstructed view since there are no obstacles in the foreground.

We probably won't visit again mainly due to the challenging mountain road; we don't see it as necessary. If the place operates during the day, we might consider it then!



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