Experience|study abroad in the United States|Bank of America checkbook, you always have to write a check once in your life, right?

Bank of America checkbook

I still remember when I watched movies or TV shows when I was young, the rich people in it liked to write checks, otherwise they would just throw a blank check and fill in the amount. At that time, I felt that it was necessary to write a check to be considered a rich person. Otherwise, it seems that ordinary people would not need to write a check. In fact, the check written by some people may not be cashed, and it will bounce. The bad check made have become an adjective to refer to those who cannot fulfill their promises. A good dream is shattered, and checks don’t seem to be a good thing!

The first thing I did when I arrived in the U.S. was to open an account at a bank. I opened an account at a U.S. bank. On the one hand, it covers a wide range of ATM's and business offices everywhere (Chase later replaced some BOA in Boston). When opening the account, the bank staff informed that a check book would be given away. You will need to buy the check book yourself. In fact, I didn't think so much at the moment.

I have forgotten whether to receive the checkbook in 2 weeks or a month. I am still very excited when I receive it. Wow! It's a check. Do you dare to believe it?

Bank of America checkbook

Bank of America checkbook

Bank of America checkbook

Bank of America checkbook

In addition to the checkbook, it is a cool check folder for holding checks, allowing you to store checks.

Bank of America checkbook

When I was thinking about what to do when I got the check, I needed to use it. As part of the cost of the language school had not been paid, I felt that I shouldn't pay for accommodation and other expenses all at once to avoid other changes in the arrangement. Therefore, when you need to pay the fees, discuss with the school which method is more convenient, and finally choose to write a check.

I also asked the teacher of the language school to teach me how to fill out a check. It was a very interesting experience, but it was not as difficult as I imagined. Just fill in the payee’s account information and amount, note the purpose and description of the money, and then sign the name and time. After writing a few times, I found that it doesn’t seem as fun and refreshing as watching a movie, haha!

And the other party can deposit it in the account as long as they take it to the bank, but remember that there is money in your checking account, otherwise the ticket will be skipped. Because Bank of America has two types of accounts, Checking Account and Saving Account, only Checking Account money can be used to pay by card or check. Saving Account is purely savings and cannot be used unless it is transferred to Checking Account.

I have also received checks in the United States. I don’t need to go to the bank counter (the counter moves very slowly). Just go to the ATM machine to deposit the check in. It’s quite convenient. Mainly pay attention to the amount displayed on the screen. Just fine. So if you have the opportunity, you can experience the feeling of writing a check.

Study in the United States-Arrived in Boston and went to Bank of America to open a bank account

I opened an account with Bank of America


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